Afternoon Kindergarten Extension
Serenity’s Extended Kindergarten Enrichment Program
- 12:45pm – 1:00pm: Arrival and lunch
- 1:15pm-1:45pm: We build upon the tactile activities and lessons in phonemic reading, vowel sound discrimination, word families and Montessori “memory words” know as sight words. Each child is initially evaluated and works at their own reading level. Fine motor skills such as tracing, duplicating, cutting and writing independently are taught simultaneously.
The following day, children will have lessons in math concepts involving the use of addition beads, fractions, time concepts, Subtraction “snake”, teen boards, hundreds board and place value. Fine motor skills in writing numbers independently also a part of math lessons.
- 1:45pm – 2:15pm: Daily Enrichment Lessons are presented daily in one of the area to include Music, Geography/Map skills, Art /Music Appreciation, Italian, Science and Cultural Studies
- 2:15pm-2:45pm: Outdoor play/Indoor gym time
- 2:45pm-3:00pm: Preparations for Dismissal
- 3:15PM -5:30pm: Afterschool Program(optional)
Enrichment and Beyond5
- Art: Develops creativity and a sense of beauty through expressive use of materials and activities. In addition, we focus on a famous artist a month and their masterpieces.
- Music and Drama: Encourages an appreciation for the arts through the understanding of music past and present, the history of musical instruments and the exposure to various rhythms, pitch and note recognition.
- Geography and Human Needs: We explore the seven continents and engage in presentations about each region, the people, homes, language, foods, clothing, celebrations and traditions.
- Foreign Language: Children will engage in weekly lessons in Italian, the native language of Maria Montessori.
- Grace and Courtesy: Builds strong character and ethically responsible behavior.
- Physical Education: Developing gross motor skills, body movement and balance contribute overall child’s health.