Extended Montessori Programs

Foreign Language

To keep with Dr. Montessori’s native language we incorporate Italian in their weekly lesson. We use the aural-oral approach by listening to new vocabulary and phrases and repeating them orally. The curriculum uses the seasons as a guide and complements the Montessori philosophy of learning through the senses. The children are able to touch the items that are being introduced and duplicate the lesson for mastery. The lessons are introduced in a large multi-age group environment. We will inform parents about the lessons in Italian through a monthly newsletter.


The children will have library time daily and will be able to take one book home over the weekend to enjoy with their family. Seasonal literature, introduction to famous children authors, fiction and non-fiction, “tall tales”, legends and folk tales from various countries are introduced to the children through felt board and story, dramatic participation and classroom skits, displaying key information that was presented during library sessions

Art Appreciation

img_0164-optArt is a medium where a child can easily express thoughts and feelings by the process of creation. They can communicate their inner feelings, develop hand -eye coordination and refine their small motor skills within one creation. Art is integrated in all subject area to further enhance lessons and concepts. In the Montessori art curriculum, we focus on the process of creating and not necessarily the final product. Children enjoy the time and effort of participating in the use of materials and how it makes them feel when completed. At times, they are more than happy to leave it at school or give it to someone, not finding the necessity to keep it for themselves.

The art curriculum focuses on two areas; experimenting and understanding the use of colors, mediums and materials. The children learn about primary and secondary colors, “warm” and “cool” colors, the color wheel and the association between colors and feelings. The child will use finger painting, dot painting, watercolor, fabric painting, easel pairing, outdoor painting, clay, printmaking and collages.

Secondly the child will have lessons and visual presentations of famous artists and their masterpieces. We will incorporate “Child -Size Masterpieces” created by Aline Wolf. This is a progressive series of postcards with famous paintings that the student will pair and sort postcard by various artistic attributes. There are several levels of progression that the child will receive lessons throughout the year. We will also focus on a famous artist a month and view paintings and art work that connect the artist to their masterpieces.

Music and Movement

The music program is an integrated and essential component of Montessori daily life. Each child has the opportunity to sing, discover various instrument, learn rhythm, and understand the value of notes. Children will learn to walk, march, run, skip and hop “on the line”. Our music teacher visits once a week playing various instruments and allowing the children to join in singing and group participation. Within the music curriculum, the child becomes familiar with a chosen famous musician each month and discover the importance and impact of their musical contributions to society. The child is given lessons on the families of instruments and how they are featured in various musical styles such as classical music, rock, country, reggae, jazz, folk music and contemporary music.

Physical Education

All children will have a scheduled outdoor time to participate in gross motor development with their classmates. They can freely choose from playground activities, using tricycles and ride-ons, basketball, hula hoops, ribbons and climbing in the playhouse. Basic skills in group sports such as soccer, volleyball, baseball, basketball, football and relay racing are taught at the preschool and kindergarten level.

Dance Caravan (Begins in September and January)

This special dance program designed by Beverly Rubin has been offered in hundreds of school throughout New Jersey for over 20 years. She incorporates ballet, modern dance, tap and hip hop into her song that boys and girls learn and enjoy weekly. It is a wonderful program that incorporates following directions, coordination, and focus while increasing self -esteem. The children will learning several dances and perform in a winter and spring dance recital during the year. All costumes are provided by Dance Caravan that recital evening and are free. These half hour lessons are given every week. Ages 2-1/2 to 6 yrs. Old boys and girls can register. (Additional fees for class)