Three to Four year Old Program (Level 2)

img_0159-optYour three year old is now becoming noticeably independent, physically agile and emotionally expressive. Through meaningful interactions in the classroom, circle time and outdoor play, the child is beginning to make meaningful connections with their peers and develop a sense of cooperative play.

They are more social, seek friendships, take turns, and begin to exhibit some problem-solving skills. The three year old demonstrates affection for their family and friends and identifies with ranges of emotions. The child has a fundamental understanding of harmony in the classroom, order for items in their environment, initial self-sufficiency skills and is becoming increasingly effective in communicating their needs through increase in vocabulary.


Now that the young three year old child can speak with clearer words and lengthier sentences, we continue to build their vocabulary by presenting lessons in comparative and superlative words, advanced categorization, sequencing events, storytelling, understanding attributes in grouping and noticing differences within a category. We will begin the initial concepts of upper case letter recognition and sound correspondence and continue to build auditory awareness and discrimination by following multi-step directions.

img_0158-optTo compliment the Montessori language materials already prepared by the teacher for the classroom, the teacher will incorporate The Lippincott Shapebook Series (Triangle, Circle, Rectangle) in their small group classroom. This series contains important skills and concepts necessary for the introduction of the Lippincott Letterbook Series the following year.  The main objective of this series is to begin increasing the child’s attention span by working in a set group environment for the completion of a concept.  They will begin to understand and follow multi-step directions, develop a sense of “left and right”, learn to mark an answer on a page, and continue to develop fine motor skills by cutting, tracing shapes, numbers, paths and prewriting skills.  This series reinforces all concepts introduced in the child’s Practical Life lessons but done independently in their workbook and in unison with other children in their group. The children work slowly through the concepts with the teacher and reinforcement activities and projects follow all concepts.  It will take about two months to complete each book.

In addition to the The Lippincott Shapebook Series, we begin the introduction of letters/sound correspondence, recognition of the alphabet, counting and number recognition, weather and calendar activities through song, and literature and visual presentations during circle time.

Children will be assessed upon entering the group for readiness. If a teacher observes emerging new skills in a child throughout the year, the child will receive additional work and curriculum modification to complement their new skills.

Monthly newsletters will be distributed to all parents describing additional programs in Science, Geography, Art/Music Appreciation, Cultural Activities, and Peace Education.  Children in all age groups will be exposed to these prepared special presentations at an age-appropriate level.  Art is a tool frequently used to reinforce concepts in these special areas.  Critical thinking, analyzing information and drawing conclusions are areas that begin to develop when presented with inviting topics of discussions.

“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.”

-Maria Montessori


img_0157-optThe young three year old is more observant of the world around them. They notice shapes in everyday objects and enjoy counting their snack, friends, and steps as they are walking. We encourage this stage of awareness by preparing the environment with corresponding math and sensorial materials.  For one-to once correspondence the shelves will contain the Spindle Box and Number and Counters. The child will also begin to identify extended shapes and master basic shapes using the Geometric Cabinet. The child will use terms for contrasting concepts such as long-short, small-large and short-tall. They will identify and compare size using The Pink Tower, Broad Stairs and Red Rods. The student will also recognize the changes in diameter, height and width of objects the by working and mastering the Red, Green, Blue and Yellow Knobless Cylinders and the Knobbed Cylinders.

During their daily group time, the child’s mathematical curiosity is enhanced by their participation in group lessons. Lessons include the continuation of  one-to one correspondence (1-10), counting past 20, tracing shapes and numbers, the introduction addition and subtraction, identify coins, count pennies, introduce time lapse exercises, clock activities, recognition of whole and half and predicting simple patterns. These lessons are supported and emphasized through art, music, movement, literature and group games.